Bellevue Real Estate

Bellevue, French for “beautiful view,” was founded in 1869 and started off as a rural area with little development. Since the completion of two bridges including the Lake Washington Floating Bridge and the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge the city had grown to be more popular making it one of the biggest cities in the state. Several high rise buildings have been erected with a boom in business especially in the 2000’s with the additional developments of The Bravern and Lincoln Square.

Today, Bellevue continues to be a bustling city with much to offer. Hot spots include the Bellevue Arts Museum which was reopened in 2005 as well as Meydenbauer Center which hosts conferences and has a 410 seat theater where operas, ballets and orchestral performances take place. No city would be complete without its parks and recreation. It was always the city’s mission to not let the growth of buildings overcome the natural landscape elements. The Parks and Community Services Department manages over 2,500 acres of open spaces, trails, playgrounds and parks including the Bellevue Botanical Garden.

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